02 november 2023
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CV Reached 10.000 variations!
Here are our MOST VIEWED Variations of all time

A huge milestone for Consolevariations!
We started with an idea: "What if we make a website with all different gaming hardware?" Now, we're very proud to say that we have more than 10,000 different variations on our website.
To celebrate, have a list of the top 10 variations based on what people have seen the most times from 2019 until 2023 !
We honestly did not expect there was so much variety.. So sit tight, grab some popcorn and enjoy these variations! (click on them to see more info!)
We'll start with the ....
Number 10: Microsoft Xbox Halo Special Orange Console
Microsoft Xbox Halo Special Orange Console
Collectible informatie
The Unreleased Xbox console that was discovered on Youtube in 2015, and another one was re-discovered on reddit in 2020 where CV had a big role in this discovery! Therefore it's on number 10!
Number 9: Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP 24K Gold Console
Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP 24K Gold Console
Collectible informatie
People like Gold, and the Legend of Zelda, , and this was one mysterious console, the golden GBA SP from Minish Cap. It was also confirmed to exist and talked about in the gaming community, CV was mentioned a couple of times and here it is on number 9!
Number 8: Nintendo DS ML Console
Nintendo DS ML Console
Collectible informatie
We had to double check if this was really on number 8, and it is! This is a Nintendo DS Lite that was only released in China, it's a very interesting piece since users where in doubt if this a bootleg of not, since they had original parts inside!
Number 7: Nintendo Switch Labo Console
Nintendo Switch Labo Console
Collectible informatie
One of our personal favorite! The LABO Switch was not only our most popular social media post to date, but also it was one of the highlights on our adventure at Gamescom 2023! This 'cardboard' console was a contest from Nintendo, and we also met the original winner of this system. truly an amazing piece!
Number 6: Sony PlayStation 2 Nickelodeon Console
Sony PlayStation 2 Nickelodeon Console
Collectible informatie
We remembered that someone uploaded this on CV, people thought it was a fake, later on reddit/social media and discord, users came forward that they not only heard about this, but also owned it! And it's legitimacy was confirmed! Users uploaded multiple pictures and angles to this variation.
Number 5: Nintendo Switch Croods Console
Nintendo Switch Croods Console
Collectible informatie
Another Switch that came across. Users posted this as a meme, people have uploaded this on their social media/ Reddit / Youtube and users thought "Is this even real?" and then CV was involved confirmed it with multiple pictures and users that owned it. To us this is still a meme-like console. Who still remember the Croods..
Number 4: Sony PlayStation 10 Million Console
Sony PlayStation 10 Million Console
Collectible informatie
The 10 Million Console was one of our first big-hit posts on social media, this beautiful blue PlayStation caught the eyes of many collectors and they had to have it! Unfortunately some users have blamed us with this for it's price increase due its popularity because there are only 100 made ! because Sony given away these systems to celebrate the 10.000.000 PlayStation system
Number 3: Nintendo Wii 24k Gold Royal Wii Console
Nintendo Wii 24k Gold Royal Wii Console
Collectible informatie
Maybe the most famous console in the world, the Royal Wii, (or Golden Wii) Made for the Queen of England! we owned it for years and the media could not get enough of this. We bought it to events, short films, interviews and more. Ofcourse CV is mentioned on every source where this Wii was posted! We thought for sure that this might have been the number one console on the site, but it's not! There are 2 more systems that had more views then this one like the....
Number 2: Microsoft Xbox 360 Launch Team Console
Microsoft Xbox 360 Launch Team Console
Collectible informatie
The story about this system is not as epic, however it was a user on Reddit who manage to find this console at Goodwill, the first link someone posted was the link to this variation, that reddit post got so popular. it even managed to jump on the front page. ine one day this system got several thousands of clicks. and it kept going for the entire week. an amazing discovery for the reddit user. Not only is this Xbox 360 very rare, but it was given to the developers of the Xbox 360 systems from Microsoft!
Number 1.5: Sony PlayStation 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted console

Sony PlayStation 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted console
Collectible informatie
This was not on any of the top 10, However this had the most views, in the shortest amount of time! The one-of-a-kind Sony PlayStation 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted console was made by the Spiritplayers special for Electronic Arts games to promote there game at the games convention in Leipzig 2006 We posted this console randomly on twitter and it was our most popular post ever, with over 1 million views!
Number 1: Sony Playstation 5 Smart TV Bundle
Sony Playstation 5 Smart TV Bundle
Collectible informatie
It was November 2021, The PlayStation 5 was still sold out everywhere, and then suddenly... this was discovered, put on CV by surprise! A PS5 bundle with everything includie, all accessories ( Charging dock, camera, headset, remote), a second controller, Spider Man game and what makes this bundle super special, is that it also included a Sony Smart TV 55" ( KD55XH9005 ), it was for sale for 2199,99 CAD !
for a full week, this was a hot topic to talk about, caused it to be shared globally, and this console alone got more then 50,000 clicks .. in one week. and this is the most viewed console on the entire site!
Those were the top 10! Did you remember some of them being posted on CV or other Social Media?
Thanks to the community, we would not be here , so many thanks to all of you! :D
Best regards
Don from CV
great job!