25 January 2023
, by
The CV 3.0 upgrade is near! Lets take us back to 2015

2015 .. time flies. where it all began, the purchase of consolevariations.com
It all started as an idea
What IF we can make a website with all console variations in the world.
We started at Nintendo 64, then all of the Nintendo, followed by Sony and Microsoft.
Boom! The website was made.
In 2016 we added Atari and Sega! and this was the home page of CV back then:

1 year later
We added Neo Geo

Times flew by...
We got an insane feedback, featured on some big YouTube channels, posted on pages like Kotaku, Eurogamer and Gamerant. so it was time for an upgrade, a big one..
Because everything was done manually where, submissions were done by email. it was time to change and improve. Presenting
Consolevariations 2.0 aka CV 2.0!
Searching, collection, filters, " add variation" button details page, and even a rarity score that checks how rare an item is! and many options that you know today.
Also to start, we added Bandai as the first brand! It was a dream coming true. A community was grown!

But of course. it did not stop there,
Many MANY things happened in the time when we had this site running,
We got featured in People make Games, where we had obtained the Golden Wii, Kotaku wrote a sticky post about us, We worked together with Did You Know Gaming about the Rarest consoles! , we got featured at Scot the Woz, followed by Nick Robinson who took inspiration from the Mc Donalds DSi that made DYKG,
The Completionist, and many other content creators.
When we had the Golden Wii for sale back in 2022 , it changed everything.
interviews, Documentaries, press like BBC, Eurogamer, Yahoo, Business Wire, IGN, and even CNN called us for Q and A and where interested in Consolevariations
CV changed the way of collecting, it gave the world information which is exactly what we are doing, and this will always be our focus!
So yeah, we can say that we were quite busy! So busy in fact, we needed another large upgrade, but only just a little tweaking... oh no, we will improve everything! it is time, for MORE features and improvements!
Presenting: CV 3.0!
where to start.....
200+ new features, Adding new variations will be easier. Some brand new features that we can't talk about yet. (big suprise!)
As an example of what to expect, the search function will be perfectly optimized. That alone will have 10 features at least.
a sneak :
Searching will not only search consoles, but all other types!
Blog posts will be searchable as well!
WITHIN the database users can search for any specific item and it will only show what is filtered!
Also there will be a shortcut to start searching right away! (CTRL+K)
More features will be announced!
This is only the beginning what the new CV site will hold
The Collecting part will be more easier to manager and it will have some VERY useful functions. and an improved detail page with bigger pictures, more info and details

We would like to thank ALL of you for your support on Consolevariations!!!!
When it's a share, a contribution or just looking around, without you, this would never be possible.
Stay tuned for the next update :)