08 January 2024
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Most Wanted Console Collectibles from CV Launch until 2024!
01 July 2023- 01 January 2024!

Happy New Year everyone! :D From the Consolevariations 3.0 Launch, we have created a log in how many times users has put which collectables on their watch list! Out of more then 10.000 unique collectables, These are the top 10!
This is been quite a year for CV, We can make this a monthly post :) We are exited what 2024 brings for us!
1. Sony PlayStation 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted console
This collectible has been added 33 times to a wishlist.

Sony PlayStation 2 Need for Speed Most Wanted console
Collectible Information
2. Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Celebi Console
This collectible has been added 17 times to a wishlist.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Celebi Console
Collectible Information
3. Nintendo GameCube Panasonic Q Console
This collectible has been added 17 times to a wishlist.
Nintendo GameCube Panasonic Q Console
Collectible Information
4. Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Latios & Latias Console
This collectible has been added 15 times to a wishlist.
Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Latios & Latias Console
Collectible Information
5. Nintendo DS Lite Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Console [NA]
This collectible has been added 15 times to a wishlist.
Nintendo DS Lite Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Console [NA]
Collectible Information
6. Microsoft Xbox Halo Green Console
This collectible has been added 14 times to a wishlist.
Microsoft Xbox Halo Green Console
Collectible Information
7. Nintendo Game Boy Color Pokemon Center Console
This collectible has been added 14 times to a wishlist.
Nintendo Game Boy Color Pokemon Center Console
Collectible Information
8. Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million Console
This collectible has been added 13 times to a wishlist.
Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 500 Million Console
Collectible Information
9. Sony PSP 3000 Hatsune Miku Console
This collectible has been added 13 times to a wishlist.
Sony PSP 3000 Hatsune Miku Console
Collectible Information
10. Nintendo Game Boy Color Pokemon Yellow Console [NA]
This collectible has been added 13 times to a wishlist.
Pokémon is dominating 50% of the list. 😱 I also like this "Most Wanted" idea and I would love to get insight like this regularly
Pokemon is very popular when I was younger. Now that my generation has a little bit of spending money we are buying everyhing pokemon.
heh, None of these consoles are on my wish list :]
What we thought the top item would be: 587 people want this Reality: 33 people want this.