02 July 2019
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Top 5 discolored & sunfaded Consoles

Today we are looking at discolored consoles. Although they seem to be every collectors nightmare some of them are actually quite beautiful in their own way.
QUIZ Question: Can you tell which color Gameboy this is? We will reveal the color at the end of this blog post. Im sure youll be surprised.

5. SNES Super Set
Not much to say about this one really. Just that it spend a little too much time in the sun :)

4. Nintendo 64 Pikachu Orange
From orange to yellow the word yellowing gets an entire new meaning with this one of a kind sunfade.

3. Nintendo Virtual Boy
Virtually turned from a red to the black and white version.

2. Pokemon Mini Pink Edition
This one is truly unique it actually faded from pink into gold. Some fans wish that this color had actually existed.

1. N64 Clear Red / White
This was once a clear red / white console and transformed into a completely new console. It actually looks like a completely new translucent variation. We call it the N64 Ghost Edition (Only 1 made :D)

Quiz Image
Remember the Gameboy Color from our Quiz image? It is indeed the Gameboy Color Lime Green Edition. Congrats if you recognized it!