22 February 2018
, by
Our Top 10 Legend of Zelda Bundles

Top 10 Legend of Zelda Box Variations
The Legend of Zelda is turning 31 today! To celebrate this anniversary we are picking the 10 best looking box variations that were bundled with the Legend of Zelda!
10: Super Nintendo Control Deck Zelda Bundle

This console was only released in the US, the normal SNES console had the same sticker as well. Because it only has a sticker of The Legend of Zelda, it makes our 10th place!
9: GameCube Zelda Wind Waker Pak

Here are 2 bundles from the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker. Depending on the region, one has "Limited Edition Pak" and the other simply "PAK" written on it. This is why we included both of them on the 9th place!
8: N64 Zelda Ocarina of Time Club Nintendo Offer

Now...before you get mad at us putting this on 8th place, let us explain why! We know that there is a very big link on the box that we all like and love. Other than that, the console has no real details that are Zelda related. The "club" number is also on the front together with the Nintendo Expert picture with phone number. This is why it's on the 8th place for us!
7: Wii U Zelda Wind Waker HD Pak

This was the first console that had a theme of Zelda released on the launch date of the actual system! Unfortunately only the Wii U Game Pad has a Zelda theme, the console was just black! Other than that we like it that the Wii U bundle has some nice details in the background.
6: Game Boy Zelda + Tetris Bundle

Now this, is a cool Pak! Almost the whole island of Link's Awakening is visible on the picture with the horizon, sea and a tough looking Link on front. Meanwhile Tetris wants to let us know it is there as well so that is the game you see on the Gameboy! A truly unique box art!
5: Nintendo 3DS XL Link Between Worlds

One of the smarter designs because they also show the bottom of the console on the box, resembling the Triforce logo of Link Between Worlds. The calm looking background with the Master Sword was a very cool choice by Nintendo as well.
4: Nintendo 2DS Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D

Unexpectedly this came in 2017 with one of the most confusing bundles ever: A "Nintendo 2DS with a 3D game that is not 3D". But let's look at the box instead. One of the most iconic pictures of Link back from the good old N64 times and in the background a nice view over Death Mountain. If you look closely you also see that the 2DS is behind Link! It's just cool that's all!
3: GBA SP Zelda Limited Edition Pak

Back in the 00's and before every console that was gold was known to be a Zelda themed console, this console was the first Zelda themed console of them all! Of course, it had to be gold... Nintendo clearly made this for the golden console fans, the box itself has minimum print, except a golden Triforce. That is true minimalistic Style!
2: 3DS The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary

Who does not remember one of the most wanted consoles ever, the 3DS Zelda 25th anniversary console. In some countries the box looks very different but we think this is the best looking version. So the background is totally black, on the cover there is the 3DS pictured with very little glow on the back. The most striking part of the box is the Zelda 25th anniversary logo. It's shaped like a shield and the logo is engraved in gold color. Those details make this console pretty unique and very modern.
Honorable Mention: NEW Nintendo 3DS LL/XL Hyrule Edition

Like most of the times we have an honorable mention. Majora's Mask 3DS XL or the Hyrule Edition 3DS XL was a tough choice. We picked the Hyrule Edition. Just look at the small details on the box and the fancy golden font!
1: Nintendo 64 Zelda Ocarina of Time Pak

If you know it, this might not come as a surprise! This is the N64 Zelda Pak. When Ocarina of Time was released and you already had an N64 in your home and then you saw this box in store... I bet you would buy another one! This box is basically a giant golden logo of Ocarina of Time and on the right what is included (even cool a pin). This Pak was unfortunately only available in Scandinavian regions!
We hope you liked our list, we would also enjoy reading your opinions. You can also search our database for even more Zelda Variations!
funny thing is that i onely have beated the first two zeldas