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11 August 2024 , by Don Nintendo Dolphin Console Discovered!

Nintendo Dolphin Console Discovered!

Many people believed this "Project Dolphin"  Console never existed, But, thanks to some exclusive pictures we were allowed to take, after 7 years of being a secret, we can finally give this Dolphin the spotlight!

  We have teased this on X / Twitter 

Before, the only pictures known to exist where these 2:

Spotted by Twitter user @Kelly
Spotted by Twitter user @Kelly
This was in the "Rare LTD"  office the console is next to the NPDP and NR reader on top
This was in the "Rare LTD"  office the console is next to the NPDP and NR reader on top

And here are the pictures we were allowed to take:

Starting with the beautiful front, 

Nintendo logo is shown at the front, and the on/off LED is also showing in the center on the front

The controller ports are upside down! High likely because they look like the Dreamcast ports  Finally, the on button is on the right side.

Now, the back of the console. which is the most interesting part

Notice something? There are no ports!

we had a closer look, and UNFORTUNATELY . This console is a physical WOODEN system, which is non-functional!.. the dream has been shattered regarding firmware and dumps..  The console was made of wood with a plastic feeling/texture,

it was also much heavier then a regular Game Cube.

The top shows "Nintendo Dolphin" which was a prototype name of the Nintendo Gamecube.

And now.. the front

This is actually kind of special, we were able to take that entire front panel out, and then you'd see all the digital motherboard collections were wires had to connect, we were not allowed to photograph that.

What do you think? Better/worse what you expected?  Let us know in the comments!


Incredible, thank you for sharing these photos!

👍 1

The dolphin has a pessimistic face haha

I wish I was that lucky......


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