10 December 2019
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5 rumored N64 Prototypes finally discovered + 5 Lost Consoles

Background Story
A few weeks ago our dear Donny from consolevariations.com received an amazing message. An Ex Nintendo employee contacted him to ask if he would be interested in his long forgotten Nintendo 64 treasures. Here is the full background story on these super rare Prototypes and even more unreleased consoles.

Original Message
This is the message received. (For privacy reason we will only show Sascha's first name)
you will be astonished to get an mail from me.:-) My name is Sascha and I am the one that
offered the N64 prototype nearly 10 years ago on Ebay. It was the one you discussed in the
forum. I searched the old pictures and found this forum. After all the years I am going to let
nearly my entire collection go. It also includes 5 (!) N64 color prototypes that were never
released. As far as I can see you were interested in one of the consoles. The colors are:
Translucent Clear White + Matching Controller
Translucent Neon Yellow + Matching Controller
Translucent Dark Blue + Matching Controller
Translucent Light Blue
Translucent Violet (The one that was sold through eBay but the buyer did not pay - bad luck
for him)
I know that these prototypes are a little sensation as they also include the controllers. In the
forum they asked why I got these. I worked for Nintendo in Groostheim in 2003/2004 and
got my hands on them during this time. For sure I can proof that I worked there and I am
willing to grade them or to examine them to proof they are 100% legit. As proof that I am not
kidding a picture is included. Please keep this confident at the moment. Many thanks!
If this is interesting to you just let me know under x.xxx@xxxxxxx. PLEASE keep this mail
address 100% confident. Thanks. As I am living in Germany and my parents live nere the xxxxx border near xxxxxx it would be
no problem to meet.

Any Proof?
Of course we were astonished and as collectors we of course wanted a little more information! We exchanged numbers of emails and he confirmed that he was a writer for the Nintendo magazine N-Zone and had also worked for Nintendo.

Sascha's Collection
Before getting into the Prototypes he first started to show everything else he had collected over the years and we are happy to share those very unique items with you today!
Nintendo GameCube MTV Edition
You may recognize this as we have written about these before in this blog post. This was a prize given away by MTV in partnership with Nintendo, They released 5 different colors and this was one of them.

It's a Deal
All these amazing items were owned by Sascha, a single collector that used to work for Nintendo and N-Zone magazine. There was simply too much stuff for us to buy so we contacted our friend David (Instagram: @retro_hoarder) as we knew he had a number of N64 Prototype consoles and was looking for these. Together we came arranged a deal with Sascha and a few weeks later we were on our way to Germany (a 7 hour drive) to pick up these amazing consoles!
This is one of the biggest deals we have ever made and since of these items have been hidden away for 2 decades! Most of these consoles are now in the hands of consolevariations.com
When we met Sascha he talked about his experience at Nintendo and N-Zone magazine. He even showed off some pictures of him and the writers of N-zone magazine. His stories from when he worked at Nintendo were really interesting and made it sound like a great time to be working there. Thanks Sascha for being so open about everything.

N64 Prototype Consoles
And now for the stars of the show. Next to all the amazing stuff above we did not expect to see these Nintendo 64 Prototype consoles were the actual reason for the visit.

Funtastic Reunion
Since David already owned a hand full of N64 Prototypes we decided to let him hold onto the Clear Atomic Purple and Extreme Green consoles for a little while so he could take this amazing picture. After 20 years. the lost Funtastic consoles meet are united again.

More N64?
Check out our steadily growing database