20 July 2023
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The PlayStation VR 2 Prototypes

The article discusses the release of PlayStation VR2, highlighting its advanced features and immersive virtual game worlds. The headset and PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller went through a lengthy development process, involving numerous prototypes and testing approaches. The Product Manager, Yasuo Takahashi, provides insights into the creation of these innovative devices.
Below are comments regarding the prototypes, for the entire story, please go the official
PlayStation Blog: Looking at these initial headset prototypes, I’m guessing that the weight significantly reduced during the development process?
Yasuo Takahashi: Yes, the initial prototype was focused on evaluating functionality rather than weight, as we were considering how to incorporate new features into the original PS VR design. We were also exploring the best system for tracking, and with our first outside-in/see-through prototype, we were simultaneously testing the see-through view camera as well.
After we performed functional evaluations, we then integrated the components into the actual system. The “tracking system study prototype” was a prototype created just prior to the integration, and although it was very large and heavy, it served an important role for evaluation.
The Console

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset First Prototype
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"Outside In/ See through prototype“ The first prototype of would become PS VR2 featured IR LEDs for outside-in tracking, and a see-through view camera on the front and center part of the headset.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset Second Prototype
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"Outside In prototype.“ A second prototype was created in parallel with the Outside-in/See-through Prototype. This one featured multiple IR LEDs for outside-in tracking placed on the front of the headset to test out tracking capabilities. A second prototype was created in parallel with the Outside-in/See-through Prototype.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset Third Prototype
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"Inside Out prototype.“ This prototype was equipped with four cameras for inside-out tracking, and was created to evaluate the headset’s new tracking capabilities.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset Tracking Systeme Prototype
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"Tracking system prototype" Prototype for testing the four cameras on the front of the headset by connecting them to an evaluation board. This was performed prior to the production of the SoC (system-on-chip), which is responsible for integrating all components.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset Eye Tracking Evaluation 2 Prototype
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Eye tracking evaluation prototype 2“Testers were asked to look at different screens to test the eye tracking. The sides of the device can be opened, so that the developers can visually check the distance between the lens and the eyes. This was done because without visual confirmation, it was difficult to know if the device was being worn at the correct lens distance.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Headset Skeleton Prototype
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Skeleton prototype“ This is a prototype that allows the internal structure of the headset to be visible from the outside.”
The Controller
PSB: When did the development of the PS VR2 Sense Controller start?
YT: As with the headset, we kicked off discussions in 2016 and began prototyping in 2017. The inside-out method is a tracking technology that is paired with the headset, so we considered this from the initial stages. We also discussed other features we wanted to add, how many buttons the controller should have, and to what extent we could incorporate features from the DualSense wireless controller for PlayStation 5.
Members included those from electrical design, R&D, as well as mechanical design. The mechanical design team was integral to developing and exploring various shapes for the controller.
PSB: What were the features or design aspects that took the longest to develop?
YT: The PS VR2 Sense controller incorporates key features from the DualSense wireless controller, such as haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. We also added a sensor for finger touch detection, and we spent a lot of time adjusting the controller to make it easier and lighter to hold. We also conducted extensive user testing. PlayStation Studios has a dedicated user testing team, and we worked closely with the team in Europe to ensure that we had as many people test the controller as possible.

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR First Controller Prototype
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"Prototype 1“ This is one of the earliest prototypes. This was a prototype to test the effectiveness of adaptive triggers, haptic feedback, and finger touch detection in VR controllers. Tracking was enabled by the PlayStation Move motion controller sphere.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Second Controller Prototype
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"Prototype 2“ This prototype was built for tracking performance study,evaluating the performance when the IR LEDs (for tracking) were placed separately on the top and bottom of the controller.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Third Controller Prototype
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"Prototype 3“ A prototype for the tracking performance study. This prototype was used to evaluate the performance when IR LEDs were placed on a ring on the back of the hand.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Fourth Controller Prototype
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"Prototype 4“ Another prototype for the tracking performance study. This was to evaluate the performance when IR LEDs were placed around the controller with both design and features in mind.”

Sony Playstation 5 PSVR Last Controller Prototype
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"Prototype 5“ “This prototype is equipped with all final features and incorporates the unique “orb” shape. It was also used to evaluate the tracking feature, which was close to final at this stage. The grip design and comfortability were not yet fully optimized.”

PSB: Finally, what are you proudest of with regards to the final PS VR2 headset?
YT: The original PS VR was used by many game developers to expand the world of VR games, and we believe that the PS VR2 pushes the boundaries even further. PS VR2 is capable of rendering stunning 4K HDR visuals (2000×2040 per eye), and eye tracking also delivers high-quality graphics with efficient rendering techniques. Combined with the controller, headset and comfortable design, players can fully immerse themselves in the extraordinary VR worlds created by game developers. The diverse portfolio of VR games will continue to expand in the future, and we hope that players will enjoy them to the fullest.

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