PSA for those in the know: HIGH. PRICED. CONSOLES. AND. GAMES. ARE. NOT. RARE.
I see a lot of people say that something like the 3DS is “rare”. NO IT ISN’T. Just because something is priced high doesn’t mean it’s rare, it’s just the supply and demand of that particular item. By that logic, the PlayStation 5 slim is rare because it’s being sold for $500. If you or a friend is making this mistake, don’t. The logic is stupid, doesn’t even make sense, and is just not even true. Sure, rare stuff can mean a beefier price, but a high price doesn’t mean rarity.
Dang, I haven’t ranted in a while. So much has changed from the last time I ranted.
It's "retro" :D
So you are telling me, my solid gold PS4 slim with only a billion units made isn´t rare... :'(
shop down the street is selling leaf green for like 150 or 180 bucks like sir? i could get it cheaper online or just use an emulator. something wrong with these people. people are killing the game and tcg markets so hard
My local gamestore is selling a galaxy new 3ds xl loose for 300 :/ yet on pricecharting its value only $227.46 atleast they are selling a gba for 70 which isn't even a good price either