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About Me
What do you collect and what is your goal?
well... nintendo consoles but I might start collecting other brands
When did you start collecting?
2020... when I got my 2DS XL and DSi XL
How did you get the idea to collect video games/consoles?
I watched YT videos where the videos showed me game rooms
What's your favorite item in your collection and why?
Either my switch or my DSi XL, do note my dsi is as old as me
What is your most memorable collecting story/experience?
I got 2 of them:
In October 2020, I went to a retail store that sells lots of games and some consoles. This retail was selling two Nintendo DSi XLs because the owner had traded them in for a 3DS, and these consoles were in great condition although they had some scratches. The first console was a burgundy console which was with a case. There was another console which was blue and had some problems: the R button didn't work and the touchscreen was quite literally all over the place. I bought the blue one because I felt a feeling in my gut that I should buy it and thank god I did. Turns out the blue DSi XL was homebrewed with an R4 flashcard menu and 26 games. Also, I had checked the consolevariations database when I got home after I left the retail and the blue console was significantly rarer than the burgundy one by nearly 30 points. The edition for the console I bought was the Midnight Blue DSi XL. Do note that the console didn't come in a box it came loose with no stylus at all. During the ride home, I received a surprise and that surprise was a New Nintendo 2DS XL, specifically the Black + Turquoise Mario Kart 7 bundle, and this console came with a box and everything, it was brand new and unopened which made me really happy. Sadly only a few months later the 2DS got broke because of a glitch in the Mario Kart 7
In May 2022, I went to the same retail store where I bought my DSi XL and found out the retailer was selling a very used Wii U with parental controls on it due to the previous owner using it. Since the Wii U was also rare to find I bought it but not until the retail took off the parentals. I had nearly lost it because a minute after I left the retail, a couple came in and asked what price the Wii U they had seen earlier. Lucky me for not getting out a second later! But then when I wanted to find the Mario Kart 8 they said was pre-installed... to no such luck the Mario Kart 8 was not there... as it turns out the owners had shortly deleted the game before giving it to the retail store.