02 juli 2017
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the MGS4 PlayStation 3, signed by Hideo Kojima

Lets travel back in October 2008, where there was an auction of a PlayStation 3 console, with leds, signature of Hideo Kojima, goodies, controllers and much much more!
The PS3 has fifteen white LEDs embedded that act as a back light for the unit so all the additional art lights up in the dark. The modifications arent the only feature that make this unit desirable to MGS fans, as the seller also managed to get Hideo Kojima and Yumi Kikuchi (voice actor) to sign it when they visited New York for the MGS World Tour.
If the console wasnt enough, the PS3 controller has also been modified to look like a device featured in the game. The buttons are backlit red and the controller sports a custom PS Home button. The auction winner also got the following additional collectors items:
This console was auctioned on eBay and raised a total of $17.100!
15% of that amount went to the Penny Arcades Childs Play charity
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