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16 januari 2025 , door Don Nintendo Switch 2 is (finally) officially announced!

Nintendo Switch 2 is (finally) officially announced!

after years and years.. and leaks after leaks 

Nintendo has finally uploaded a video to give us the first looks of the Nintendo Switch 2 Console ! 

Nintendo Switch 2 Console

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It's in beautiful black color with some little blue/orange joy-cons elements.

What do you think? Does it look good? Ugly? We hope to see more on their Nintendo Direct presentation on April 2nd, 2025.

New Switch 2  with Joy-con
New Switch 2  with Joy-con
With gameplay of a new Mario Kart game!
With gameplay of a new Mario Kart game!

Here are some pictures of what Nintendo has presented us:

with detachable Joy-coins
with detachable Joy-coins
Console's  kick-stand
Console's  kick-stand

Console with the dock:


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

👍 2

I was kind of hoping for a little more from Nintendo, seeing as it's been 8 years now. To wait all that time, for a console that looks like a revision of the Switch, with graphics they showed off that really don't look much different from what we already have, and smaller things like the awful kickstand in the video, I'm disappointed. Guess we should wait till they reveal more in April though to really get our opinions in.

👍 1


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