Finally got my Kinect working. Here’s my opinion.
Alright. So months ago, I got myself a Kinect at a game store. The thing was, I have an Elite, and the Original Models need an adapter to use it. I knew this, but when I asked the cashier for one, they said I probably didn’t need one (I did). I ain’t going to blame them mainly because not that many people have the OG models, and they probably didn’t know about the adapter, but still. It took me a while to get me an adapter because I kept forgetting, but finally I got the guts to buy one, and a week later it arrived. Luckily, my Kinect and copy of Kinect Adventures worked, so that nightmare was over.
So, my Opinion on the Kinect. It’s kinda cool. I like how responsive it usually is, even though I’ve been mainly playing the games from Microsoft themselves. The Kinect, in my opinion, was honestly the thing that ruined Xbox. Microsoft focused on it too much and allowed Sony to win the generation (outside of the Wii, but we don’t talk about that). And when they bundled it along side the Xbox One along side the other stupid ideas they did, that allowed Sony to have an upper hand. Overall, the Kinect is cool, I just wish Microsoft wasn’t as crazy into the idea of it.
Also to clarify, I know the Kinect games that aren't good, but these ones don't work with the idea of the Kinect. I'm not trying to say the Kinect is the best thing ever, I'm just trying to show the pros.