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About Me

What do you collect and what is your goal?

Mostly Gamecube controllers when I can, but that mostly shipped, especially when i had to customize some. I do also collect, better controllers when i can.

When did you start collecting?

I knew I did end up collecting Gamecube Controller when I decide to look into it when I got another good working Black Gamecube Controller, when i got the freedom to do so, I decide to look into it, as well as other console variants that peaked my interest.

What is your most memorable collecting story/experience?

Me wanting the Smash 4 Controller at least the black variant but was way overpriced so one day I was at a shop and saw it for £29 I thought “that’s a good deal”

Using Amazon Japan, it allowed me to get the White variants of Gamecube controller after Brawl's inception, as well as the rare Gameboy Player controller.

Back in 2022, I got the spice orange gamecube controller, when I saw it in a CeX, I rarley see it in my area in the UK.

Collection Images

Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN
Collection of PiPPiN

Holy Grails

Collection of PiPPiN