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About Me

What do you collect and what is your goal?

Mainly Nintendo consoles, with a focus on N64, of which I proudly own all 16 official variants.

When did you start collecting?

Excluding the items I was gifted as a child (my first N64 and Game Boy Color), I started collecting in 2013.

How did you get the idea to collect video games/consoles?

It was more like an innate desire.

What's your favorite item in your collection and why?

I think my mint condition boxed JAP Famicom is noteworthy. I also love my Jusco and Daiei Hawks N64s.

What is your most memorable collecting story/experience?

When I got my Famicom, I found the original japanese buying receipt inside the box. It was a huge surprise!

Collection Images

Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault
Collection of Overvault