What is the weirdest hot you’ve heard from someone else about consoles?
I once saw a YouTuber (not gonna name who for just in case) that said how they wished Nintendo kept the DSI/3DS charger for the Switch instead of USB C. The problem is that the DSI charger is proprietary as all heck. And I get it, it’s convenient to have the charger from one thing to use on another, the thing is, USB C is that but is a lot more used and more powerful. Also, I doubt the DSI charger would’ve been able to power a switch dock, or heck, even probably keep the Switch alive plugged in. There are a lot of USB C chargers that aren’t as powerful as the Switch one, but it still works in a degree. In all honesty one of the weirdest and stupidest hot takes I’ve ever heard. Let me know if I got anything wrong or if there’s something else I should’ve added. I usually am stupid in the degree of chargers.
Scott the Woz?
The Switch absolutely needed the USB-C connection or the dock would never have worked. For the Switch to even output alt-DP video over the USB-C port (which the dock converts into HDMI), the Switch absolutely requires 15v or it'll never enable TV output, uncap the CPU and GPU speed and unlock 1080p. So yea, the DS style charger would never have been powerful enough to handle it.