Original Nintendo DS Silver Tank new in box
hi everyone, I have a question for you, as I own an original EU Nintendo DS, the fat silver tank version, from 2005 if I'm not mistaken.
It's totally new, in box, I only opened it for pictures and to make sure it is still working. I've got it since the beginning, I'm the first and only buyer (took it for my father back in time, but when he tried mine, he felt the screen was too small, so I bought him a XL version later and kept this one). But when I decided to move 15 years later, I kind of "found" it in a drawer... totally forgot I got it
I can't find any other, from this type, neither on ebay nor pre owned websites. I'm wondering if anyone would know a rough idea of the value ?

I used the image tool I think it might be 100ish.
not sure I understand, this one is new, not a pre owened so I would not consider the price same as the one we can find in good condition on ebay
Oh yeah then probably at least 250ish I would assume.
it is a generic europen boxed nintendo ds, even if it is in very well conditions its value now is around 150€
This is not in very well conditions, it's totally new. I'm seeing a not that good one for $175 on ebay,
I'm guessing there is a difference still between a pre owned in this conditions and a totally new one. Again I can't find any other new one, like mine, so hard to udnerstand a price like that
that link does not count, you have to look at the sold items, not the listed. anyway, even if it is brand new the nintendo ds eur cib is not that rare or valuable, now it stays around 150/180€. it is a generic eur edition, not a limited edition