Sony PlayStation 2 DTL-H 50009 Debug Station
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Sony PlayStation 2 DTL-H 50009 Debug Station
Collectible informatie

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Releases |
Release Type |
Aantal Geproduceerd (Schatting) |
Tussen 5k - 10k
Regiocode |
Limited Edition | ? |
Kleur | Black, Silver |
Is Bundle | ? |
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- This unit is probably the rarest ps2
- It's a DTL-H unit, making it harder to get
- It's ROMVER is marked as 1.80, a version exclusive of the first generation PSX DESR console, something never seen on other unit (either with version 1.80 or 2.10).
- If ROM dumps floating around are correct, there is a SCPH Unit featuring this same ROM version....
- Since it's ROMVER region is 'C' it's a smuggled unit, never officially sold (AFAIK)
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I would have to disagree on this being the rarest Playstation 2 model. That likely goes to the DTL-H10100 which is the only PCMCIA Test model with full Magicgate support. It is possible though it could be information/reporting bias due to the DTL-H50009 being silver and therefor less likely to be lost among the thousands of Test units out there
this console is not rare due to the color.
its rare due to the chinese region, the abnormal boot ROM version and the few amount of produced units.
and DTL-H10100 is rare, but not that much. just to mention a rarer model of that era, the DTL-H10000U is rarer that that one