Mattel Intellivision 3 Console
Collectible informatie
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Mattel Intellivision 3 Console
Collectible informatie

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Additional details
Releases |
Release Type | ? |
Aantal Geproduceerd (Schatting) |
Tussen 1 - 50
Regiocode |
Limited Edition | ? |
Kleur | Grey |
Is Bundle | ? |
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- Mattel found out that Intellivision customers were getting Intellivision for better graphics, not for the keyboard accessory or educational games so they dropped all of that and focused on graphics.
- So they made a better video processor called the Super-STIC it would have double background resolution and could render more sprites the Intellivision would use the same CP1610 that the original Intellivision used.
- So the original games would work on it and the the new games would take advantage of the new graphical features

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