What’s your most nostalgic Handheld / Console you have the most nostalgia?
Mines the 3ds.
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Mines the 3ds.
Within the world of Xbox, there are many special edition consoles and controllers. Which one’s your favorite?
Personally.. I love the
Microsoft Xbox Series X 20th Anniversary Controller
it's soo smooth
but feeling wise, it's the
Microsoft Xbox One I Made This Controller
the feeling is 'perfect' but did not went into production
great topic !
Not a big fan of Xbox in general, but I have
Microsoft Xbox 360 Blue Dragon Faceplate Bundle
with the faceplate and i love it
And I should add some pictures
I love the colors of the
Microsoft Xbox Series X - Remix Special Edition Controller [NA]
. Definitely something I'd like to own one day.
Yea it's a alright store, the one that was close to me shut down though, and I think a lot of them are slowly going out of business.
You should see their phone carriers.: O², EE, and Three (Their logo is just the number 3.)
Tons of memories at midnight release with Game, and the atmosphere was just awesome. proper miss those days.
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What do you like more?
I don't really like the DSi, but it bring some interesting feature like the possibility to play downloaded games, SD card slot ... ( And yeah, I don't talk about the cameras because it would be the same whitout this ) The DS Lite feel more simple to me, just basic functions, nothing that a child can ruin and block the console ( HELLO DAMNIT DSI's - and after - PARENTAL CONTROL )... Or maybe it's because my childhood memory with this DS Lite ? ( Like chatting all the night with other kids at summer camp through the Pictochat )
So yeah, my heart will go for the DS Lite
Yep, this was amazing too, but at this time my GBA SP and games was already sold to pay for the DS Lite
As much as I like the DSi... I feel like the lite is more... Simple... (I should also add the original NTR-001 with that point.) For example, with the lite, you can just launch a game and go, with two options. You can do the same with the i, but you have to watch your icons fall first, and if you weren't playing the game last, you have to scroll to it.
I like it! Anyone else looking forward to the new Mario Wonder game as well?
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It your wondering, it didnt show the photo on the other post :/
This “Mario” Mask from 1988. (What is it with Game Merchandise back in the day and always being so weird and creepy?)
I will take a look at the Console Talk images soon which will hopefully make it less buggy for you
. Now I do want to know the Wii game in question though 🤔
Thank You. By the way, if you were wondering, it was "The Garfield Show Threat of the Space Lasagna."
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Like I mean C’mon, Sega Genesis Speakers? HECK YEAH!
Taito PlayStation Jet De Go! Controller
I love it, absolutly unusable in other games
Wii Motion Plus
never used it before until I got my Wii U, still vry funny bc the only reason I used it was fr wii u sports club data to erase XD
Nintendo Wii Wheel [NA]
completely useless, literally just a piece of plastic with a shell for a Wii remote to fit in, but damn is it fun to use.
So... PSVita Special Editions. They're.... Ok. It's just they're so dang basic! Most of them look like they were drawn in pencil. Not drawn in the style of a pencil sketch, more so the outline is in that basic gray pencil color. I remember when I was thinking about getting a Vita, I was thinking about either the
Sony PS Vita Slim Neon Orange Console
or the
Sony PS Vita Slim Minecraft Console
. I chose the Minecraft edition, and for the love of my pet chiweenie do I regret it. Some Special Editions actually try like the
Sony PS Vita Slim Persona 4 Dancing All Night Console
, but come on, Sony! This problem also exists with the PSTV, but NOBODY talks about the PSTV unless they're talking about bad PlayStation Consoles (Obviously). Phew. Thanks for reading my rant. Anyways, I'ma go rant about the Sega Genesis Speakers to my therapist.
I didn't see this mentioned in the rant, so I want to ask: What do you think about the golden back ones? For example:
Sony PS Vita Slim Caligula Corolla Console
Sony PS Vita Hatsune Miku Limited Edition Console
Sony PS Vita Slim Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Console
Sony PS Vita Slim God Eater 2 Console
I see your point, at least there is few of them which are a bite more painted
In the 7th generation of gaming, there were three main competitors in the ring: Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. Everyone except Microsoft had a handheld in that generation. I wanted to know what YOU had for your handheld fix.
Look interesting yeah I hope to know more about the story because from what i see, there is a love story and god i hate love story in games
Definitely looking forward to this title! But as a PC gamer I try to forget about this game... it could take a while 😅
LIKE CMON, ITS OLD HARDWARE! SURE, ITS WORTH IT TO ME (and most likely you also) BUT STILL, ITS OUTDATED. That’s really all I can rant about with this one.
OK will stop. What do you think of the new playstation handheld that came out?
My friend the question is not the psp but "why was the psp discontinued?"
Just say SNES, it’s way easier!
What makes this even more confusing is that, as far as I'm aware, PSX was just the codename. Of course they didn't realize people would start calling the PS1 "PSX" when they made the actual PSX in 2003.
I'm pretty sure they don't call their Gamecube a Dolphin. When you make them know you get bashed because " it's like real collector call it, we don't care about very few exemplar consoles " Facebook Groups - France - 2015 Era
I guess it just sounds better. Personally I prefer "Super Nintendo".
Happy 2024, folks
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So I was making a level on Super Mario Maker 2 on my Switch in handheld mode, (because who the frick makes levels in tv mode) and I accidentally placed a part of my hand somewhere else on the screen while placing something somewhere, and it zoomed the screen out. I honestly for the longest time thought the Switch’s screen wasn’t multitouch like the DS or Wii U. You learn something new everyday!
(hopefully I ain’t the only one who didn’t know this)
Honestly with how often I made SMM2 levels I'm surprised I never accidentely figured this out
fun fact.. we spend way too much time on the achivement names... check them out :D
Can you make an achivement about the "Nintendo Wii Light Blue Wiimote Bundle"? It's the rarest wii controller, it would be nice and cool to have an achivement about it
Nintendo Wii U Remote Charging Cradle
We hope CV can teach you more things every day!
So, I feel like everyone on this website knows the back words compatibility of the PS5 only being able to go back to the PS4. You’ll see people on TikTok or YouTube Shorts whining about this, and how the XboX SeRiEs X cAn pLaY EvErY gEnErAtIoN. First of all, that is correct but not at the same time. How Microsoft does backwards compatibility is via updating the library of titles, meaning only a few select titles are compatible. Second, the reason why the PS5 doesn't have any backwards compatibility is because of how most people don’t use it. Why waste time and money on something no one will use? In my opinion, I’d rather just get the original consoles the games go to. It has the original controllers, ports, etc, or it’s just my collector brain, I don’t know!
Rant over, Sega Genesis Speakers. THERE. I SAID IT.
(Insert Joel Joke Here)
So, to add context, I made myself a Japanese Nintendo Account to get the Japanese NSO Consoles (Hey, it’s not illegal if they allow it), and one thing that I noticed while on their website is that you can make your own Switch bundle. Your own Joy-Con bundle, wrist straps, dock, and even add extras like another pair of Joy-Cons (Aren’t customizable), Pro Controller, NSO Subscription, and even a select game! This also allows for Joy-Cons that aren’t normally available. Like a color that normally on the left that you can do on the right. This is a crazy discovery of mine and I hope they bring it over soon.
Also, Funny thing is that i use my main Switch account to play the NSO Consoles, and on my page, it shows that I played them :/
When I saw the title, I tough you wanted to talk about Metric system :p
That's so cool! Nintendo still showering any region but North America with cool oddities like this.
Alright. So months ago, I got myself a Kinect at a game store. The thing was, I have an Elite, and the Original Models need an adapter to use it. I knew this, but when I asked the cashier for one, they said I probably didn’t need one (I did). I ain’t going to blame them mainly because not that many people have the OG models, and they probably didn’t know about the adapter, but still. It took me a while to get me an adapter because I kept forgetting, but finally I got the guts to buy one, and a week later it arrived. Luckily, my Kinect and copy of Kinect Adventures worked, so that nightmare was over.
So, my Opinion on the Kinect. It’s kinda cool. I like how responsive it usually is, even though I’ve been mainly playing the games from Microsoft themselves. The Kinect, in my opinion, was honestly the thing that ruined Xbox. Microsoft focused on it too much and allowed Sony to win the generation (outside of the Wii, but we don’t talk about that). And when they bundled it along side the Xbox One along side the other stupid ideas they did, that allowed Sony to have an upper hand. Overall, the Kinect is cool, I just wish Microsoft wasn’t as crazy into the idea of it.
Also to clarify, I know the Kinect games that aren't good, but these ones don't work with the idea of the Kinect. I'm not trying to say the Kinect is the best thing ever, I'm just trying to show the pros.
Now I’m a person who uses Microsoft Rewards regularly (Hey, it can get me Xbox currency, so shut up), and I usually see the raffles for Xbox’s, usually special editions. If anyone of you won one of these, let me know! I’m curious to see if any of you were lucky enough to score one of these.
I’ve tried these raffles myself. I didn’t do ones for special editions, rather, I tried to win a Series S, and a bundle of a Series X with an Elite Controller, a memory card, 12 months of game pass, and a $500 Xbox Gift card (I think that was what the bundle had). Sadly, I never won those two. Let me tell you, my life would be different if I won that Series S. For starters, I’d have a Series S.
On the discord, I think there is 1 or 2 peoples who already won a limited edition
I know there's probably meant to be a photo, but I also agree. A good observant eye would be useful in this current time.
Funny enough, there isn't a photo. I think they patched it. I just thought people would understand what I'm talking about.
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I see a lot of people say that something like the 3DS is “rare”. NO IT ISN’T. Just because something is priced high doesn’t mean it’s rare, it’s just the supply and demand of that particular item. By that logic, the PlayStation 5 slim is rare because it’s being sold for $500. If you or a friend is making this mistake, don’t. The logic is stupid, doesn’t even make sense, and is just not even true. Sure, rare stuff can mean a beefier price, but a high price doesn’t mean rarity.
Dang, I haven’t ranted in a while. So much has changed from the last time I ranted.
So you are telling me, my solid gold PS4 slim with only a billion units made isn´t rare... :'(
shop down the street is selling leaf green for like 150 or 180 bucks like sir? i could get it cheaper online or just use an emulator. something wrong with these people. people are killing the game and tcg markets so hard
My local gamestore is selling a galaxy new 3ds xl loose for 300 :/ yet on pricecharting its value only $227.46 atleast they are selling a gba for 70 which isn't even a good price either
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Notice something weird about the original New 3DS boxes? If you didn’t (most likely), there are a lot of Face Plates on the boxes that never released. These most likely were just place holders, but it still would’ve been interesting to have available.
The Japanese Boxes are the same, just with different unreleased plates shown.
They want to be able to white lie and say they sold out of PS5 Pro consoles but without stipulating they mean the super limited edition model.
I feel like we can all agree on the fact Sony is stupid on Special Editions. The amount of times Sony made the coolest looking Special Edition PS5 Controller, and they screw us over with their stupidity. They rarely restock and then quickly discontinue it. I experienced this recently with the Astro Bot Special Edition Controller. Immediately went out of stock after I thought about it, and before you say, “Why didn’t you preorder it?”, I didn’t think that it would go out of stock so quickly. Even if I did, I most likely would’ve probably not got it because the order would’ve probably gotten canceled by the store itself, which happened to other people. I honestly feel like if these were more available and had more produced, Sony could probably make more money, but no. The most recent line of Special Editions for PlayStation’s 30th anniversary also got screwed over, since there are only gonna make over 12,000 units of the PS5 Pro version, which is stupid. Thanks Sony for rewarding your fans by giving them something they can’t get.
Sony has become worse and worse with their decision making, and it makes me mad how no one talks about the special editions limitedness. I get it, it’s a special edition, but that doesn’t mean only 3 should be available for anyone to buy.
I forgot to mention scalpers. Yeah, frick them. Both the ones that buy a lot of limited stuff, and ones that buy consoles at Good Will and take advantage of their prices by selling them for normal. Like, some people actually would want a GameCube, but idiots exist.
I’ve always been interested with Official and Licensed PlayStation accessories, specifically in the 7th Generation. Just these types of accessories that are practically useless I adore. There was a justification with the PSOne LCD since it was something that was revolutionary for portable play at the time. During the time of the PS3 Slim, a lot of people were rocking on PSP’s, and I doubt those people would want to sack this thing around. At least the PSOne with the LCD was pretty compact, even during the time or heck even now.
Another fun and stupid accessory I love and really want to get but can’t since I cannot for the life of me find a listing for it that can ship to me with ease is
Duracell PlayStation 3 Slim Extender
. It gives you extra USB ports and even has a little charging station for two DualShock 3 Controllers. The thing is, is that out of all companies to make it, it was Duracell. I also love how the design blends in and doesn’t look out of place when connected to the PS3 Slim. It’s a cool and pretty practical accessory, it’s just like I said, it was made by Duracell out of all companies.
Basically. I dig these types of accessories. (Cough, Cough, Sega Genesis Speakers)
If you want the enhanced edition with an HDMI port they seem to be readily available on eBay, albeit for ~300-400$ from Japan >> eBay search link
even though this post is a joke, the motion controls do kind of make it a game console
A game console is a computer that runs games. That is all I need to say.
Most likely because in-game instructions became more standard, and later included manuals became an reminder on how to use each control.
I think this would start happening around early 2010s when some games would just opt for two-sided "manuals" with just the game's cover and the controls list.
...Does have a lot of manuals online, but still not many of them are scanned and uploaded/archived. I have a Polish variant of Gran Turismo 5, and even that dosen't have it's manual online, just the English versions.
I planned to get a scanner for this type of problem, but my mind had been set to other video gaming things.
Easily one of the coolest and stupidest Prototypes on the planet.
Microsoft Xbox Big X Prototype Console
I would 100-billion% make space for that if it ever comes accross here !
I once saw a YouTuber (not gonna name who for just in case) that said how they wished Nintendo kept the DSI/3DS charger for the Switch instead of USB C. The problem is that the DSI charger is proprietary as all heck. And I get it, it’s convenient to have the charger from one thing to use on another, the thing is, USB C is that but is a lot more used and more powerful. Also, I doubt the DSI charger would’ve been able to power a switch dock, or heck, even probably keep the Switch alive plugged in. There are a lot of USB C chargers that aren’t as powerful as the Switch one, but it still works in a degree. In all honesty one of the weirdest and stupidest hot takes I’ve ever heard. Let me know if I got anything wrong or if there’s something else I should’ve added. I usually am stupid in the degree of chargers.
The Switch absolutely needed the USB-C connection or the dock would never have worked. For the Switch to even output alt-DP video over the USB-C port (which the dock converts into HDMI), the Switch absolutely requires 15v or it'll never enable TV output, uncap the CPU and GPU speed and unlock 1080p. So yea, the DS style charger would never have been powerful enough to handle it.
The Switch 2’s (actual) reveal reminded me of something from the creases of my brain.
Remember before the reveal of the Switch OLED, there were over a million rumors about a potential Switch 2. It was said to be “very powerful”, and they would always be like:
“It’ll be revealed tomorrow.”
(Next day. Nothing happens)
“Oh, it’ll be revealed tomorrow.”
And…. Repeat.
Then, out of nowhere, Nintendo revealed…
A Switch….
With a better screen. (Applause?)
Yep. All of those rumors about a powerful monster machine of a Nintendo Handheld, and what we got was a Switch with a better screen and better kickstand.
Anyways I’m gonna wait for another two months for the Direct.
Yes, around mid-2021 they were rampant. They were also pretty clearly fake, but before we knew what the Switch OLED was to be, any leaks about it were assumed to just be parts of a new 'Switch Pro'.
So, just moments ago (as I am typing this), I was just sent an email from an alleged Wikipedia Content Writer about how “The Apparently Owner of the Console Variations”, should make a Wikipedia page for the website.
The thing is, I do not own the website. I barely if not never have submitted Jackcrap. All I do is rant and talk about things I find interesting on the Feed just because I don’t have that many other Social Medias. Why was I specifically drafted as the “owner”. Was there some secret meeting where all the Mods pointed at some autistic idiot and said: “Yep. He’s the new owner.” or something? Or am I just going insane and this is all some sort of ruse to make me look like an idiot? I don’t know.
We'll take a look at this! Please contact us via social media / discord and we can discuss this further! meanwhile i'm going to pass it on the the devs
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For me the
Nintendo Game Boy Color Pokemon Pichu Console [EU]
has a special place in my heart. It was the first console I ever owned and I spent countless hours on Pokemon Silver as a child. The good ol' days!
Fun fact... exactly the same for me, it was my first console that I bought when starting console collection. :D
I thinks it's
Nintendo Game Boy Color Atomic Purple Console [EU]
It was my first handled and my only one for almost 10 years, I get it at christmas 1998
My first ever handheld was the
Nintendo Game Boy Advance Indigo Console [NA]
I got it in 04 and i spent hours and hours playing Mario Kart Super Circut and Super Mario Advanced 2! Everytime i see that startup it brings a tear to my eye.
For me its the Black WII and my Midnight blue DSI XL. Def not my first consoles, but the ones that i spend most time with when i was still in school . Ive sunk so much hours into Pkmn Soul Silver and Pkmn Diamond and played countless hours of Wii Sports Resort