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About Me

What do you collect and what is your goal?

Pretty much whatever I find interesting or what I know I'll play. I'm working on collecting all Spyro the Dragon games and I have a special place in my heart for Nintendo DS variations.

When did you start collecting?

I started collecting games and consoles about 3 years ago. It started with wanting to play on consoles I didn't have when I was younger and grew from there.

How did you get the idea to collect video games/consoles?

Aside from wanting to play on consoles I didn't have when I was younger, I started looking into the Video Game History Foundation and I think it's important to preserve and archive video games/consoles/history because it seems to be such a niche thing.

What's your favorite item in your collection and why?

Nintendo Game Boy Color Singer Sewing Machine. I was inspired by Kelsey Lewin's GBC Singer Sewing Machine video and found one for a great price. I use it for a lot of my sewing projects now :-)

Holy Grails

Collection of yearotd