Microsoft Xbox Atari Console
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Microsoft Xbox Atari Console
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Release Type |
Amount Produced Exact | 5 |
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Limited Edition |
Contest Prize
Color | Red |
Is Bundle |
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- Prize at the Leipzig Game Convention in 2004
- Attendees needed to collect all 5 pins that Atari gave away, which spelled ATARI. If the attendee was able to find all 5 pins, they could enter the contest, with the winner receiving the one of a kind orange Atari Edition Xbox, an Atari T-shirt, headband & wristband
- 5 Were made but only one came with all the extra stuff.
I would love to Preserve this Xbox I have 25 xboxes in my Collection this would be a Great addition to my collection well preserved for future generations. I would love to have the largest Collection of Xbox consuls for preservation
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