24 December 2017
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How to obtain the Xbox One GWENT Console

Xbox One GWENT Console
On March 8 2017, Microsoft UK posted on Facebook that you could win a unique Xbox One from the game Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. Here is what you have to do to win

How to Win?
What do you have to do to win this console? No worries, we've got this covered. On the Facebook link, you have to create your own Gwent Wild Card to participate in the giveaway! You do not have to be a pro artist to make a card, just click on the link in the Facebook post and follow the instructions! You should land on the following page now

After clicking on "Start Quiz" you have to answer a few "what would you do if" questions and based on your personal answers you had your own Gwent Wild Card! Of course we made our own shiny Consolevariations card.

Looks good right? So now download the card and go back to the original Facebook post. Comment with an image of your personal card on the Xbox UK Facebook page and a random card will be picked out to win this unique console!
Update: The contest / lottery is over now. Later another card was picked and that person received the Gwent controller!
You can check out our details page of the console to see even more details.
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