LodgeNet GameCube Controller
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LodgeNet GameCube Controller
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Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 10k - 50k
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | Black |
Is Bundle |
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- Controllers produced by LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation for their hotel services all across North America.
- The hardware was made by Hori.
- Comes with a set of rubber face buttons for commands on the pay-by-play service, a Nintendo logo on top of the main stick, rubber pads on the backside, and screw hole plugs to avoid tampering with the hardware.
- Uses a Rj11 phone plug instead of the standard GCC plug. Bears this inscription on the backside: "Controller is not compatible with any home game system. If removed, a $29.95 service charge will be added to your room bill.
- Also came with a simple stand, but the piece is pretty rare nowadays.
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