Collectie Lijst
Collectie Lijst
Over Mij
Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?
I love to collect handheld consoles, especially DS and 3DS consoles. I don’t really have a goal.
Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?
I first went out of my way to get an older system in 2020 when I got myself a 2DS in October, but I really decided I wanted to collect was in July of 2022.
Hoe kwam je op het idee om video game voorwerpen te verzamelen?
I have played video games for my entire life, and watching YouTube videos from people like Nathaniel Bandy and Scott the Woz convinced me to start collecting.
Wat is je favoriete verzamelstuk en waarom?
My 3DS Panda development kit. I’ve wanted one since 2021 and I finally got one on January 13th, 2024.
Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?
It’s probably the story for my 3DS Dev Kit. I first tried to make a similar paint job with a Cosmo Black 3DS (which failed miserably), and then I posted my desire for one all over the place. Then ProtonX DM’ed me over Discord saying he had one that he had cobbled together, but it had some parts that were the wrong color. He sold it to me for $135, and it was worth it. I’ve since been working on getting the correct colored parts for it to make a complete one.
Foto's Verzameling

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