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Over Mij

Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?

I collect games mainly on Nintendo consoles like the Switch, Gamecube, 3DS, Wii, and Wii U

Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?

I got my first game console, the Xbox 360 when I was 5, but I started to get games on a regular basis when I got my Wii U at the age of 8

Wat is je favoriete verzamelstuk en waarom?

Nintendo GameCube Emerald Controller. It is my favorite item because I love the color, it is rare, and it is my primary controller in Smash Bros Ultimate and on my Gamecube

Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?

Mine is when I got my Nintendo Wii U for my 8th Birthday. It is memorable because I remember me and my brother trying to look around the house for it until my parents gave in and gave it to us the day before our Birthday