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Over Mij

Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?

I collect all the consoles, with related accessories, from my childhood (almost all of them, I said goodbye to my Game Boy Micro Blue😂) as well as all the consoles that are still accompanying me in my passion for videogames.

Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?

I started collecting (involuntarily) as a child. It can be said, however, that I took it more seriously starting from the beginning of 2023, recovering pieces that I had lost and selling others that I considered useless (Game Boy Micro Blue?).

Hoe kwam je op het idee om video game voorwerpen te verzamelen?

Because I was already a collector of other objects and video games deserved to be collected too (my head told me that 😂)

Wat is je favoriete verzamelstuk en waarom?

It's definitely my Game Boy Advance Black, my first console given to me by my parents at Christmas 2005.

Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?

It's all boring, in case I'll update you 😉