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    Console Talk

  • kcv913
    Bekijk Collectie

    Could someone help me identify my Dreamcast please ?

    Hi there, I bought this dreamcast in around 2010, the guy that was selling it told me he picked it up in Japan but I can't really find any info onit other than a post made by a reddit user also saying that he picked one up when he was in Japan 

    Any advice is appreciated as I'm looking to sell it but I have no idea what a fair price would be

    Thanks in advance

    I am pretty sure that this is a normal dreamcast with a replacement/moddet case. The dreamcast logo on it also doesnt look original, and would fit to a mod case :) Maybe search on ebay for a dreamcast system with a moddet case and look at the sales to get an estimate what a fair price could be :)

    Yep, man. its replica case.


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