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Over Mij

Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?

I collect all sorts of Nintendo consoles, preferably 3DS. My goal is to get rare consoles for as little money as possible.

Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?

I actively collect since around 2013 or 2014

Hoe kwam je op het idee om video game voorwerpen te verzamelen?

As a kid I had a Gameboy. Unfortunately I sold everything to buy a new console. When I was in my early teens I started to buy Gameboys on flea markets for the nostalgia and I kept buying and started to collect.

Wat is je favoriete verzamelstuk en waarom?

My Rockstar GBA SP I found on a flea market website for so little money. My Korean Air 3DS I got from france.

Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?

I once bought a Gameboy with the original package on a flea market for about 15€ and later found out that it was quite pricy online. It's my treasure!

Foto's Verzameling

Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep

Heilige Gralen

Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep
Collection of coockiep