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Over Mij

Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?

I collect older consoles, mainly before the PS4 Era but I do have some newer consoles like the Series S and PS4 Pro, I don't really have a goal... I just collect because I love how unique they are.

Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?

Around 2012

Hoe kwam je op het idee om video game voorwerpen te verzamelen?

When I was younger my parents got me the Crystal White PS Vita, I love how unique it was compared to the normal/original versions of that console, I started to collect more unique varients as I got older.

Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?

Getting the Ceramic White PS2, it was my first ever unique console I bought with my own money.