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GamingBoss65478 avatar


lvl. 12
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Over Mij

Wat verzamel je en wat is je doel?

I collect for the NES and Genesis at the time this was made but I hope to achieve a full collection of NES and Genesis games NTSC and try to find and collect for the Famicom

Wanneer ben je begonnen met verzamelen?

I started collecting the great day I got a Sega Genesis model 1 without the HD Graphics for a steal of $15

Hoe kwam je op het idee om video game voorwerpen te verzamelen?

I got the idea from watching Youtubers like Scott The Woz and the Angry Video Game Nerd

Welk verhaal of welke ervaring is je het meest bijgebleven tijdens je verzamelperiode?

My best day of my collecting was finding an NES. There were 2 at the store, Bull Moose. One was $25 and was the console itself and the one I bought which was $55 and had everything. Even the RF Box

Foto's Verzameling

Collection of GamingBoss65478
Collection of GamingBoss65478

Heilige Gralen

Collection of GamingBoss65478
Collection of GamingBoss65478