Nintendo Wii U E3 Prototype Gamepad
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Nintendo Wii U E3 Prototype Gamepad
Collectible informatie

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Additional details
Releases |
Release Type |
Aantal Geproduceerd (Schatting) |
Tussen 1 - 50
Regiocode |
Limited Edition | ? |
Kleur | White |
Is Bundle | ? |
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Bedankt voor je inzending. Je inzending wordt nu behandeld door ons team. Verwacht binnenkort een bericht.
- Shown at E3 2011 and presentations
- There is no Wii U logo and start and select are in place of the final MIC area.
- The shell is slightly taller then the final version
- Has "3DS" placeholder joysticks
- On one prototype, there is a black box beside the battery indicator. (Purpose unknown)
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if anyone wants one, check this ebay link! (warning, it's very expensive)