Microsoft Xbox 360 Gears Of War 3 Console
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Microsoft Xbox 360 Gears Of War 3 Console
Collectible informatie
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Releases |
Release Type |
Aantal Geproduceerd (Schatting) |
Tussen 50k - 100k
Regiocode |
Limited Edition |
Kleur | Red |
Is Bundle |
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- Console from North America/Australia
- Red Colored console with Gears of War Elements
- Bundled with 2 controllers
- Bundled with the game Gears of War 3
- Plays a Gears of War tune when opening when power on the console and opening the lid.
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This thing was basically my childhood. My dad got one of these when I was still very young with his brother and they didn’t really use it much but it stuck around for years and years through everything. We had lots of accounts on it from different people and I still play it to this day. I never actually played gears 3 which is the funniest part. My uncle took the copy of gears 3 that came with the game so I never got to play it. I played 4 and 5 though.Great console, has lasted years and still makes memories 13 years later.
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