Nintendo Game Boy Color Atomic Purple Employee purchase only Console [US]
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Nintendo Game Boy Color Atomic Purple Employee purchase only Console [US]
Collectible informatie

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Additional details
Releases |
Release Type |
Aantal Geproduceerd (Schatting) |
Tussen 500 - 1k
Regiocode |
Limited Edition |
Store Exclusive
Kleur | Clear |
Is Bundle |
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- A Game Boy Color owned by certain Nintendo of America employees, to promote and sell the upcoming console in the USA. It has a sticker that says: "Employee Purchase-NOA strictly prohibits resale of any product for profit".
- The Box is different from the classic USA gbc box. It has some different details like the front box writings, that suggest that this could be a early print of the box, this is not confirmed tho.
- There also exists a Gameboy Camera that is also a employee purchase only
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