thoughts on the ps1 asciiware joystick
to be clear i'm refering to the one shaped like a ps1 console and as i'm sure you probably know its brilliant for tekken and street fighter but honestly i have been using it to play crash bandicoot 1 and doom if anyone else facies trying it id love to hear if other people find any more games that work quite well with these controllers
I've never acutally used one myself, but I've been thinking to conduct tests on odd controllers that are meant for one game to see if they could do a race of Gran Turismo 2/3 properly.
not sure how much one is overseas but at least in england its 20 quid on cex
best of luck are you thinking of making a youtube video on it if so please send a link
Tried with
Taito PlayStation Densha de Go! Premium Controller
Taito PlayStation Jet De Go! Controller
with a friend on Gt3
T'was and absolute carnage