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![dimondgarfeild avatar](https://cdn.consolevariations.com/profile-photos/8YEhWyjwIEgWfketRJIQkiowyMSCphdhtqh21tG4.jpg)
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About Me
What do you collect and what is your goal?
My Goal is to collect a version of Evey Nintendo console.
When did you start collecting?
How did you get the idea to collect video games/consoles?
Scott the Woz
What's your favorite item in your collection and why?
my original new nintendo 2ds xl the first console i ever got.
What is your most memorable collecting story/experience?
Finding and being able to acquire the remnants of an old video game store.
Holy Grails
![Collection of dimondgarfeild](https://cdn.consolevariations.com/holy-grails-images/stWbhcDSEaMsvFJoicqdOsXih72BeY-metabmludGVuZG8td2lpLTI2ay1nb2xkLWFrYS1yb3lhbC13aWktdHJhbnNwYXJlbnQud2VicA==-.webp)