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About Me
What do you collect and what is your goal?
I collect games I enjoy playing, as well as demo discs for various consoles.
When did you start collecting?
In 2013, so well over a decade now.
How did you get the idea to collect video games/consoles?
I've always been a gamer since the young age of 5 when I saved up to buy my og xbox (not a easy thing to do at that age... my friend's whould always teasing me on there shiny new stuff), I never collected then just revived gifts... it wasn't til 2013 I realized there was a demand for this stuff.
What's your favorite item in your collection and why?
My og xbox, it was my first console I had bought after saving my allowance for more then a year.
What is your most memorable collecting story/experience?
Meeting the legendary melee player HungryBox at EGLX 2018, cool dude.