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    Console Talk

  • PS2

    Nintendo 64 has a special place in my heart, so nostalgic reasons alone are enough for me to pick that. And it's also satisfying to collect, since there are so many distinctive and fun color versions of it!

    Makes sense, I know it had the Funtastic line of consoles which is super cool. Only thing I'd be annoyed about is having to try & verify every N64 cartridge you come across, I've heard it's got a major reproduction problem. I don't own one (yet) but it does have a lot of desirable games I'd want to play.


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  • KoolAid3
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    What's the most outlandish console you want?

    For me, I would pick the Atari Jaguar. Such a strange and kind of bad console, but it had some pretty neat games like the first release of Rayman, Wolfenstein 3D, Tempest 2000 and Alien vs Predator. Not to mention it's filled with charm. Beyond that, maybe the Atari Lynx, for similar reasons.

    If I had to choose just one, I'd probably say the Bandai Apple Pippin @Mark White Console . It may be a bad console, but it was still a unique experiment and had features that were firsts for a console, like internet support and (From what I've gathered) cross compatibility with Mac (I'm also a fan of vintage apple stuff), so I think it'd be cool to own.

    Now, if I had to choose a system that I actually have a decent shot of getting, I'd say the MB Microvision Console [EU] , mainly because it was the first portable game system (with cartridges), and just has such a unique cartridge design with the CPU being in the cartridges and whatnot. It also looks nice on a shelf and from what I've heard, quite a few of the games are fun.

    👍 1

    Very cool! Microvision and the Vectrex are both great underrated consoles from what I've heard. The Bandai Pippin's an interesting choice just because it didn't have many games released for it, but it had the first Journeyman Project game, which was a decently popular PC series back then, and I think the Pippin release was the only console port until the 2010s.

    If it wasn't so darn expensive, it'd make a great conversation piece in anyone's collection, and if your correct about the backwards compatibility with Mac games, a fun and unique way to play PC games from the 90s.

    I already have a lot of unloved console like Bandai Playdia Console , Casio Loopy My Seal Computer Console , Amstrad GX-4000 ... I recently saw a Koei Pasgogo and I want one

    Not a console itself, but an original DS is something I've always wanted. Sure, it's not as sturdy as other models and doesn't look as good, But still.

    The original DS will always be a weirdly cool console. I always thought it's design looked very much like a toy or like a tool with the strange ridges on the top screen, and it was definitely the least reliable of all the models, but it's also got some sort of charm the other models don't have. Not to mention the GBA carts don't stick out of it like a sore thumb like on the DS Lite.

    One of the Pokemon Snap Blockbuster kiosks

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