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Sony PlayStation 5 Digital Bagel Bites Console

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  • Flag for country code us United States - November 03, 2021
Release Type
Amount Produced Exact 1
Region Code
Region Free
Limited Edition
Color Red
Is Bundle

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Thanks for your contribution; your submission is now in review by our moderator team. You will hear back from us soon.

  • October 20 submissions started to be accepted, but the window of opportunity slams shut on November 3, 2021.
  • How you entered was creating a video to submit of you and a parent showing off your love for bagel bites and gaming.
  • Post the video on a social platform including Instagram, Twitter or TikTok.
  • Tag your parent and use the hashtags #bagelbites and #contest with your post.
  • Wait for an invite to join either #teampizza or #teambagel and compete.
  • Once the submissions are all counted, the competition will take place across three days from November 8-12 and will be streamed live on the Bagel Bites official YouTube.
  • The winning team will take home Bagel Bites branded PS5 console, controller, gaming chair, and headphones as the top prize.



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