Sony PS Vita CEM-3000VP1 Prototype Console
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Sony PS Vita CEM-3000VP1 Prototype Console
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Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 100 - 500
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition | ? |
Color | Black |
Is Bundle | ? |
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Consumer Model Production Stage "PVT" Prototype (3G + Wifi) from 2011-09
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I added them to the listing because the original seller listed them as VP1 here: In the description, the seller states, 'The touch panel is operable, and a pop-up prompts you to connect to the device after powering on.' unless that's battery related Perhaps it has something to do with 3G connectivity? I'm not entirely sure. The original Japanese text is: 'タッチパネルは操作可能で、電源投入後機器への接続が求められるポップアップがでます.' While I agree that the absence of the SIM card slot is weird, I would argue that the fact that someone at Sony felt it necessary to add a CEM-3000VP1 sticker over an ND1 sticker qualifies it as such. what if it has the internals of a cem-3000vp1 with different software? should we disregard it just because of a sticker or housing? but sure i will stop could've just told me that i was wrong from the beginning tho