Sega Pico Pokemon Console
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Sega Pico Pokemon Console
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Additional details
Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 5k - 10k
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | Yellow |
Is Bundle |
Additional Info
- Console released in Japan
- Yellow colored console with Pikachu's face on it
- To increase the sales, a Pokemon version was made.
- It's the same model as the HPC-0009
- Bundled with the game Pokémon Advanced Generation: I've Begun Hiragana and Katakana!

lvl. 7
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Weird seeing a Sega/Nintendo collaboration back then
lvl. 1
- ✓ Link copied!
ah hell nah they turned pickle chew into a sega pico
👍 1

lvl. 29
- ✓ Link copied!
ok but why not char man dear or squirt all
👍 1