Sony PS Vita TEFV-2000 Prototype Testing Kit
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Sony PS Vita TEFV-2000 Prototype Testing Kit
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Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 100 - 500
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition | ? |
Color | Pink, Orange, Black, White, Yellow |
Is Bundle | ? |
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Came in various color combinations with a blank back label.
They are running DEX firmware and need activation to run software.
There are different model names where "P1" stands for Product Validation Stage 1 for example.
Were used at shows like TGS 2013 or the Minecraft Event for example.
@Flook These are not CPVs but I will edit the whole page so you keep your submission and image. Hope thats in your interest
sure thanks! I guess I was kinda thrown off by the fact they had color variations
Could anyone add clarification on what, "the minecraft event" means? I know there was the Minecon convention held annually from 2011-2016'ish.