Nintendo Wii The Last Story Bundle
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Nintendo Wii The Last Story Bundle
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Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 50k - 100k
Amount Produced Exact | 10000 |
Region Code |
Limited Edition |
Color | White |
Is Bundle |
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Wii console Set Shiro Color bundled with Last Story and a Pro Controller.
Lower units only were sold with the elements of the last story packaging with artbook and soundtrack.
Exclusive for Japanese market
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Kind of a hail mary here, but
if you happen to see this, is there any chance of taking a good high resolution or close up photo of the section on the front side artwork of Calista and Zael? I cannot for the life of me find any high quality close ups of those sections of that limited box art, and my wife and I are making cosplays of Callista and zael for a competition and the art there is like the only reference of calista's saber from a different angle, and some angles of Zaels arm armor. Every image i've found is too blurry or low resolution to make out the fine details on the saber's guard and some of the armor. If you do happen to see this I can get you an email to send them too or if you upload them here I can download from here and also you'd be absolutely saving my sanity.