Nintendo Wii E3 Black Prototype Classic Pro Controller
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Nintendo Wii E3 Black Prototype Classic Pro Controller
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Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 1 - 50
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition | ? |
Color | Black |
Is Bundle | ? |
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- It was shown at E3 2009. It was not announced publicly but it was behind a perspex glass. There is a kiosk photo of the white one but not the black one. However, the black one was found and sold by an eBay user.
- They are also known as "Dummy Model". The inscription "非動作モデル" on the back indicates that they are a prototype and a dummy model. Dummy model means a non-working prototype.
- Almost identical to the publicly released model.
- Evidence and See also:
Dummy Model Wii:
Who was the user who sold the black one?
Hey there those are my pictures and I am the owner of that Dummy.
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