Nintendo Switch OLED Rogue Lords Console
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Nintendo Switch OLED Rogue Lords Console
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Release Type |
Amount Produced Exact | 1 |
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Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | White, Black |
Is Bundle |
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- A Twitter Giveaway of the Customized Nintendo Switch OLED MODEL for the game Release of Rogue Lords by NACON / Cyanite Studio
- 1st Winner gets the Rogue Lords Custom Theme OLED MODEL + 1 copy of "The Art of Rogue Lords" artbook + 1 free digital copy of Rogue Lords on Nintendo Switch
- 9 Other Winners only gets a 1 copy of "The Art of Rogue Lords" artbook + 1 free digital copy of Rogue Lords on the platform of their choice (PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch)
- Winner will be revealed on 8/05/2022.
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