Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Acción Miyamoto Console
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Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Acción Miyamoto Console
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Release Type |
Amount Produced Exact | 2 |
Region Code |
Limited Edition |
Color | Silver, White, Black |
Is Bundle |
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- Consoles signed by Shigeru Miyamoto and given away by lottery in separate issues of magazine Nintendo Acción
- Silver Console was apart of a Windwaker pak, came with a Gameboy Advance SP, GC Link Cable, and posters signed by Miyamoto as well, apart of the June 2003 issue
- Jet black console was apart of a Metroid Prime pak, came with a Gameboy Advance SP, GC link cable, and a copy of Metroid Fusion, apart of the April 2003 issue
- Entry to win the jet black cube ended April 16, 2003
- Entry to win the silver cube ended June 16, 2003
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