Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP CoroCoro Dancing Pokémon Console
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Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP CoroCoro Dancing Pokémon Console
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Release Type |
Amount Produced Exact | 10 |
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Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | Silver, Red |
Is Bundle |
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Special GBA SP was the top prize in a CoroCoro magazine Dancing Pokémon Illustration contest in the April, 2003 issue
Had to name the dance they’re doing, color, cut out, and send in the dancing Pikachu, and Meowth illustration as an application
Event deadline was April 14th, 2003, and the winners were announced in the July, 2003 issue
2003年4月号コロコロマガジンおどるポケモンイラストコンテストにてスペシャルGBA SPが最優秀賞受賞
Since the illustration contest is held outside of CoroCoro magazine, there are multiple units of this unit. There are 10 Grand Prize winners. If the prizes for the grand prize are the same, 10 units will be given away.
Two units for kindergarten magazines. 6 units for the magazine for elementary school students. 1 Terebikun magazine. 1 for CoroCoro magazine.
Awesome! If you have photos it'd be appreciated if you could upload and suggest a change in units made if they're the same, but from different magazines