Nintendo DS Lite Ninja Town Ninjastar Console
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Nintendo DS Lite Ninja Town Ninjastar Console
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Amount Produced Exact | 1 |
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- Console was done by Shawn Smith the creator of Ninja Town
- Event lasted until December 22, 2008, and was only for people in the United Kingdom
- Console was given away by lottery to people who could answer the question What's the name of your arch enemy in Ninjatown? Also came with a Ninja Town t-shirt, and a copy of the game
- Console was given away at this website here
- Images needed
In trying to find images myself of this console, I dont think it exists. On the giveaway site itself it says
It doesnt mention anything about the DS Lite being customized, and the only other article mentioning it at all is this one which only refers back to what i have already quoted, and where two other consoles are shown which were customized by Shawn Smith.
I don't think its too farfetched to think that he did a third one, however with the article never specifying it, which I feel they would, I assume that it is just a regular pink DS Lite