Netendo Familycomputer Console
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Netendo Familycomputer Console
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Releases |
Release Type |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 10k - 50k
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition |
Color | White |
Is Bundle |
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- 1:1 hardware clone with the CPU and PPU made by UMC, other chips made by GoldStar and Mitsubishi
- I have it since childhood, modded and repaired, and probably obtained from my father's colleague in the 90s
- My consol was modded to have external controller plugs since the originals broke
- Used to have composite output, but was removed for some reason
- Outputs in PAL
- Plays games from every region (needs adapter for NES carts)
- ✓ Link copied!
- ✓ Link copied!