Microsoft Xbox One "Zebra" Prototype Controller
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Microsoft Xbox One "Zebra" Prototype Controller
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Release Type | ? |
Amount Produced Estimate |
Between 500 - 1k
Region Code |
Region Free
Limited Edition | ? |
Color | Black, White |
Is Bundle | ? |
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- here were two types produced: white jewel (this) and black jewel. white jewel was a stand alone contorller. iblack jewel came with the Durango dev kit
- The strips are known as, dazzle camouflage.
- Neither controller works on the dev kit from sratch.
- You first have to use the other prototype and then plug in a zebra for it to work. next, worth mentioning is, that dev kits cam in different types. two code names are durango and kryptos.
- Name displays in ascii style during boot.
- Booting takes quite some time. gui is very different from final version and features some test programs
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